Monthly Archives: October 2020

  1. Hyperlocal Online Stores, customer's best bet!

    Hyperlocal Online Store, best bet for end customers!

    "Diamonds are girl's best friend!", not sure how far that's true, but the glitter in that tag line, definitely turned stones more expensive forever.

    When it comes to basics like fresh produce and meat, glitter is but irrelevant. That’s where Hyperlocal Online Stores, are surely your best bet. From pricing or freshness perspective, probably any Hyperlocal Online Store is just as good!

    If you prefer not visiting crowded markets, and opting for the convenience of home delivery, then reckon investing into a long-term relationship with some trustworthy Hyperlocal Online Store.

    Why Hyperlocal Online Stores can do better for you for fresh produce or meat?

    • They are not cheap but reasonable
    • Procurement is specific to committed orders
    • Procurement and sale usually commence on the same day
    • Brought i
  2. Know your ‘CASH’ews!

    Ever wondered what W-180 Cashews meant?

    “Different people, offering cheaper price on cashews, how do I decide?”. If this question often pops up to confuse you, read on! You will understand different grades in white whole cashews and how to judge if you are getting a good deal.

    The most sought-after quality on retail counters are the “White Whole Cashews”, also known as “Fancy Cashews”, where looks dictate a good nut! An easier analogy would be... the darker the chocolate the better, the lighter the cashew the better. Other varieties available on markets are scorched or blemished and valued lower!

    Now, who would be content to make a choice based on just one characteristic! Especially, in a typical Indian scenario, where in an arranged marriage, many virtues like brought up, regionality, built are considered to see value for money when finding a groom.

    White Whole Cashews are further valued based on their size gradin

  3. Mom’s Menu – Journey so far into 2020

    Mom’s Menu, is started by 5 affectionate Moms, in August of 2017. When we started, we were solely driven by a passion to make genuine, home style, cooked food available for the busy breed of corporate employees, without ripping them off their hard-earned money.

    Contrast to the common notion, where it is believed that selling cooked food is highly profitable, in our model the margins were meant to be low. On top of this, considering how conscious our Moms were, in using the ingredients with quality as close to what we would use in their homes, the margins were bound to be hopeless for starters.

    Journey thus far -

    It took us about 30 months to hit the right volumes, where we could leverage those volumes to maximize bulk pick up of raw material and thus bring the cost of production down, without impacting quality.